Stuart’s work can now be seen at:
The Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre.
Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm. Sat 1-4pm. !
Contact Barbara at: 905-649-0407 to make an appointment anytime, to discuss how we can help you in 2023 .
Stone Carvings by Stuart Blower
A selection of the interesting things I have created.
I Like A Challenge
I pick colours, shapes and sizes that look interesting. I have worked with different stone hardness from nail scratching Soapstone all the way up to chisel blunting Black Granite.
The way I pick a particular stone depends on three things:
1) I look for a specific size and shape and sometimes colour that will accommodate an existing idea.
2) I find a stone with great colours and a big enough shape that suggests what might be trapped inside and I work towards that idea until the stone suggests something else.
3) I find a great stone with amazing colours and haven’t a clue. So I buy it and look at it for a few weeks, months or years until I know what to do with it.
Of course there is always the old “standby”.
Buy it and drill a hole in it. The visual feedback of that first cut, will get you started on how it will progress.
End of Season Commissions
Stuart has been busy working on several “on-site” commissions.
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All Photography and Web Content by Stuart Blower ©2021
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